A Summer Concert

This is a lovely way to celebrate Ruddington Community Choir’s tenth anniversary. The Summer Concert & 10th Anniversary Celebration will start at 2.30pm on Saturday 30th July at the Methodist Church.

Ruddington Community Choir would love to invite you to our final performance before we take our summer break.

The event will raise funds for the Church. It’s £6 a ticket. Call 0115 984 5375 or get tickets from the Coffee Morning 10.30am-12noon at the Methodist Church on Saturday.


Disclaimer: RUDDINGTON.info publish all diary events in good faith and can’t be held responsible for any changes or cancellations of the activity. We run our calendar as a community service and details were correct at the time we promoted them, so advise you to contact the organiser before attending. Thanks.


30 Jul 2022


2:30 pm




Methodist Church @ Charles St, Ruddington, NG11 6EF, UK